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السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبرکاته ډېرخوشحال شوم چی تاسی هډاوال ويب ګورۍ الله دی اجرونه درکړي هډاوال ويب پیغام لسانی اوژبنيز او قومي تعصب د بربادۍ لاره ده

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

اللهم لك الحمد حتى ترضى و لك الحمد إذا رضيت و لك الحمد بعد الرضى

لاندې لینک مو زموږ دفیسبوک پاڼې ته رسولی شي

هډه وال وېب

د عربی ژبی زده کړه arabic language learning

Friday, June 24, 2011

50 Signs of Qayamat

50 Signs of Qayamat

As we look at this article we realize how true the Messenger (P.B.U.H) was these signs were prophesized 1400 years ago!!! Take a look.... Now this is scary but soooooooo TRUE!!!! * Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport; * People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?) * The distance on earth will become short; * Horses will not be used in wars; * Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople(Istanbul) * The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan; * Very tall buildings will be built; * The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing; * Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common; * The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man. * Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are; * Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?); * People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR (THE DIVINE DECREE OF DESTINY); * Men will pass by people's graves and say: 'Would that I was in his place'; (large amount of suicidal deaths?) * The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria); *Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion (World War II?); * Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the messenger of ALLAH; * Earthquakes will increase; * Time will pass quickly; * Afflictions will appear; * Killing will increase; * Wealth will increase; * Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes *THE PROPHET (saw) SAID: 'IF MY UMMAH BEARS 15!TRAITS (QUALITIES), TRIBULATION WILL FOLLOW IT.' (DAY OF JUDGEMENT)SOMEONE ASKED,'WHAT ARE THEY O MESSENGER OF ALLAH?' HE (saw) SAID: * When any gain is shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor; * When a trust becomes a means of making profit; * When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden; * When voices are raised in the mosque; * When the leader of a people is the worst of them; *When people treat a man with respect because what he may do; * When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals. ' *'IMRAN IBN HUSAYN SAID: 'THE PROPHET (AS) SAID, 'SOME PEOPLE OF THISUMMAH WILL BE SWALLOWED BY THE EARTH, TRANSFORMED INTO ANIMALS, ANDSOME WILL BE BOMBARDED WITH STONES'. ONE OF THE MUSLIMS ASKED, WHENWILL THAT BE O MESSENGER Of ALLAH?' HE SAID, 'WHEN SINGERS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WILL BECOME POPULAR AND MUCH WINE IS DRUNK.'' *THE GREATER SIGNS OF THE HOUR The Quran will disappear in one night, evenfrom the people's hearts, and no Ayyah will be left on earth. (Some groups of old people will be left who will say: 'We heard of fathers' saying 'LAILLAHA ILLA ALLAH' so we repeat it) * The appearance of the MAHDI; * The appearance of the DAJJAL (Anti Christ); * The appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (biblical Gog and Magog); * Isa (Jesus) will come during the time of Dajjal; * The rising of the sun from the west; * The destruction of the Ka'ba and the recovery of its treasures; * The smoke.

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